Tagtool is a platform for live animation based on drawing developed by the Omai team in Austria. It is used by Marcela Rapallo in live works, in video, and in workshops in a complementary way to Trazos Club and Andiamo.
"A fondo" was realized through video and audio editing from real time video mixing over video and audio recordings, and over drawings made in analog formats (glass, paper, watercolor, charcoal, wood, crayon), and animated drawings in real time through Andiamo (Processing) and Tagtool platforms.
Stairs to reach the water is a scenic drawing performance by Marcela Rapallo, featuring original music by Pablo La Porta. It was specially created for the immersive hall at the CCK, where it
The academic essay "Collective Drawing: An Artistic-Pedagogical Practice for the Appropriation of Drawing and the Construction of Shared Imaginaries" was published in the Mexican journal El Ornitorrinco Tachado.
Academic Essay
Collective drawing is
The Drawing on Stage seminars take place at Naza, a studio located in the Chacarita neighborhood of Buenos Aires. They have an intensive format, lasting one day. Each module presents a different approach