“Hacer oficio, patear la calle” Performance with Tagtool intervening exhibition and site-specific drawing. Pica Experimental space Lebenshon Fundation 2014
Tagtool is a platform for live animation based on drawing developed by the Omai team in Austria. It is used by Marcela Rapallo in live works, in video, and in workshops in a complementary way to Trazos Club and Andiamo.
"A fondo" Videographic piece presented in the Refractions Cycle curated by Leandro Frias, CCEBA, Cultural Center of the Embassy of Spain (2023).
"A fondo" was realized through video and audio editing from real time video mixing over video and audio recordings, and over drawings made in analog formats (glass, paper, watercolor, charcoal, wood, crayon), and animated drawings in real time through Andiamo (Processing) and Tagtool platforms.
"Medianeras" Live drawing performance combining Andiamo and Tagtool (2021)
“Hacer oficio, patear la calle” Performance with Tagtool intervening exhibition and site-specific drawing. Pica Experimental space Lebenshon Fundation 2014Live group improvisations with Tagtool DIY by the workshop "Dibujo en escena" at Club Cultural Matienzo. Recording of rehearsal and live performance records together with the group Pecera (2015).
Improvisaciones grupales en vivo con Tagtool DIY por parte del taller “Dibujo en escena” en el Club Cultural Matienzo. Grabación de ensayo y registros de presentación en vivo junto al grupo Pecera. (2015)Live group improvisations with Tagtool DIY and Tagtool for Ipad by the workshop "Dibujo en escena" at Club Cultural Matienzo. 2014Live group improvisations with Tagtool DIY and Andiamo by the workshop "Dibujo en escena" at Club Cultural Matienzo. 2014
Marcela Rapallo has been awarded the Prince Claus Fund fellowship to carry out the Uma project. The Cultural and Artistic Responses to the Environmental Crisis (CAREC) program brings together 12 mid-career artists and
This workshop is an invitation to draw water—first in the different forms it takes as it travels across the planet (seas, rivers, streams, springs, etc.), and then by drawing the water of
Stairs to reach the water is a scenic drawing performance by Marcela Rapallo, featuring original music by Pablo La Porta. It was specially created for the immersive hall at the CCK, where it