Marcela Rapallo

Prince Claus Fund Award

Marcela Rapallo has been awarded the Prince Claus Fund fellowship to carry out the Uma project. The Cultural and Artistic Responses to the Environmental Crisis (CAREC) program brings together 12 mid-career artists and

Prince Claus Fund Award

Marcela Rapallo ganó la beca Prince Claus Fund para llevar a cabo el proyecto Uma. El programa Cultural and Artistic Responses to the Environmental Crisis (CAREC) reúne a 12 artistas y agentes culturales

Drawing water

This workshop is an invitation to draw water—first in the different forms it takes as it travels across the planet (seas, rivers, streams, springs, etc.), and then by drawing the water of

Dibujar el agua

El taller es una invitación a dibujar el agua. Primero en las diferentes formas que toma al recorrer el planeta (mares, ríos, arroyos, manantiales, etc), luego dibujando el agua del río Matanza Riachuelo.

Stairs to reach the water

Stairs to reach the water is a scenic drawing performance by Marcela Rapallo, featuring original music by Pablo La Porta. It was specially created for the immersive hall at the CCK, where it

Premiere of "Lucy, The Firefly Woman"

The creative proposal "Lucy, The Firefly Woman: Stages for Peace and Reconciliation" is an interdisciplinary and collaborative project that brings together theater, music, digital animation, social dialogue, and Artistic Mediation. It is led

Estreno de "Lucy, La Mujer Luciérnaga"

La propuesta de creación «Lucy, La Mujer Luciérnaga: Escenarios para la paz y la reconciliación», es un proyecto interdisciplinar y colaborativo, donde se reúne el teatro, la música, la animación digital, el diálogo

Performance at CineToro Experimental Film Festival

Jugaad, performance de improvisación de dibujos animados en vivo de Marcela Rapallo junto al músico colombiano Rodrigo Matta. CINETORO Experimental Film Festival / Edición 17 — Noviembre 2024 Presentation at the CineTeatro "Wilson Jaramillo Tobón"