On stage drawing is a language that encompasses contemporary practices in which drawing is presented as a time-based art. It can also be called performative digital drawing, animated drawing in real time or live drawing.
The term "on stage drawing" refers mainly to the fact of bringing drawing to the scenic space through analog media, projections and programs for image editing in real time. This enables live interaction between artists and also between visual artists and artists from different disciplines, such as theater, dance and music. In addition to the particularities of digital drawing, there are options to modify in real time the parameters that affect the image.
The laboratory is based on time arts practices in dialogue with the field of drawing, and on traditional plastic arts and drawing practices in dialogue with animation and image processing in real time. We work with contents to discover the visual language from an integrative approach, which seeks to articulate the traditional discipline of plastic arts with digital culture.

The proposal has been developed from the experience of the coordinator in these areas, which includes the creative processes of performative works, educational projects, cultural mediation, and participation in the development of Free Software technologies: Moldeo, Andiamo and Trazos Club platforms.
The laboratory "on stage drawing" is developed in a particular way in different spaces and also as a postgraduate seminar at the National University of the Arts. The first presentations of the workshop were at Puerta 18 (Abasto, Buenos Aires, 2011), at the Expin Medialab Workshop (Cali, Colombia, 2012), at the ACTI Theater Festival (Bogotá, Colombia, 2013), and as part of the Matienzo Cultural Club Training project (2014/2016). The workshop was developed virtually at the Taller Multinacional de México (2015), and under the name "Dibujo en red. Internet as a support for drawing", it was taught at the Centro Cultural Ártica in Uruguay, and is currently taught as a graduate seminar at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes. The Drawing on Stage laboratories have also been carried out since 2016 in interdisciplinary projects as part of the implementation of the Digital Education Plan in public schools belonging to the Directorate of Artistic Education (Ministry of Education of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires).