Animated stories

Animated stories

Clown interpreted by Daniela Fiorentino interacts with "La Plapla" the character live drawed

"Cuentos animados" (animated stories) takes as its axis to act, narrate and draw Argentinean legends and folk tales. The selection was based on a personal and affective approach to these stories, as well as on an aesthetic interest, for the messages they convey, for the expressive possibilities they trigger. An approach to the children's public is also sought through drawing as its own language, the one that children feel close to from the very first moment.

Legends that come from the provinces to the city in the form of stories. Tales that have been taken off ships or trains. Urban tales that travel through the provinces in the form of puppets, stories that go from mouth to mouth. Centuries old stories told by the voices of immigrants who have lived them. Stories of immigrants transformed by our current eyes. All these stories are read, told, narrated, acted and drawn. Thus they are transformed, as it happens in "Cuentos animados" and meet new stories, interpretations, languages and voices, participating in this permanent process of construction of our collective imaginary.


The scenic research

"Cuentos Animados" is a children's theater play with live digital drawing. It was developed in 2007 and had its first staging in 2008. Its work process was part of the development of the drawing mode in the Free Software Moldeo.

The clown-narrator interacts with the images and sounds. The line is drawn live with a digital pencil at the same time that paintings and pre-designed digital drawings are mixed live, actions made possible by the software Moldeo. This is done simultaneously with the purpose of generating an interdisciplinary scenic event centered on the possibility that the person drawing is a performer who interacts live with the performers, through freehand digital drawing animated in real time.