The academic essay "Collective Drawing: An Artistic-Pedagogical Practice for the Appropriation of Drawing and the Construction of Shared Imaginaries" was published in the Mexican journal El Ornitorrinco Tachado.
Collective drawing is an artistic and pedagogical practice that allows the inclusion of people with different levels of experience in drawing, fostering the appropriation of artistic languages within communities. In various educational settings, it can serve as a resource to position the arts as a transversal axis in education and as a strategy to promote transdisciplinary dialogue among artistic languages, facilitating the exchange of collaborative methodologies.
Collective drawing can be approached both as a method and as content in itself. Its working process focuses on exploring shared languages, aesthetics, themes, and imaginaries, challenging the notion of drawing as an exclusively individual practice. Equity is a fundamental goal of this approach, aiming to create drawings in which all participants contribute to the composition.