
Drawn music at the CCK's Dome

The workshop Música dibujada, a collective experience of cartoons in real time accompanied by a live DJ, was presented as part of the Ciclo Vacaciones para armar. With the participation of DJ Fly

Hydrocommon Cultures Seminar

Based on the Open waters research project, Uma artwork and the Drawing water workshops, Marcela Rapallo was selected to participate along with a group of artists, researchers and activists in the first Seminar

Interview on Poder Alien

Talking about Trazos Club and the launching of the driver for Andiamo Software by the Open Drawing Research Team UNA (National University of the Arts) and the Trazos Team.

Drawn archeology

Collective drawing activation on the foundations of "La Casa del Naranjo", the oldest house in Buenos Aires, at the Museo Moderno. Arqueología dibujada is an artistic mediation activity that proposes the activation of