

"Medianeras" Live drawing performance with Andiamo. Almagro, Buenos Aires, 2021

Andiamo is a free software program for animated live drawing. It started with Marcela Rapallo and Andres Colubri's explorations of the digital drawing medium with the platforms Moldeo and Processing. Andres Colubri developed the code that later became Andiamo during his master's project in media arts at the University of California, Los Angeles. Since then, Andiamo has been used in numerous artistic and educational projects, and served as the starting point for the Trazos Club web project.

Andiamo is the sister technology of Trazos Club. Both share the real-time animation capabilities of strokes and are intended for live drawing. Andiamo, not being a web application, has to be installed on the computer (desktop or laptop) to be able to use it. Trazos Club works from the web browser, adds the possibility of making drawings collectively, sharing the canvas with other people, and will also be developed as a meeting space that will present proposals in different drawing rooms.